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why does ice float in liquid water?

why does ice float in liquid water?

why does ice float in liquid water?

Why does ice float in water? বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

Needless to say, ice floats on water. No matter how big the ice tea is, it will not sink in the water. Even mountains of ice float in the water. Jan ice floats in the water why?

Greek scientist Archimedes was the first to know how an object floats in water. Its rule is that when an object is dropped in water, two opposing forces act on it. One is that the object’s own weight forces it to sink.

And on the other hand, the water pushed him upwards. Now if the weight of the object is equal to the pressure of the water or lighter, then it will float, not sink. Water pressure equals the weight of water that displaces an object after it falls into the water.

And if the object’s own weight is greater than the weight of the displaced water, it will sink. So the point is that if an object’s own weight of water displaces it, then the object will float. A piece of wood floats in water because its own weight is less than the weight of the water displaced.

The weight of a piece of wood is exactly half the weight of the water it displaces. So half of it is underwater and the other half is above water. By the same rule, the weight of a piece of cork is only one-fifth of the weight of the water displaced, and therefore only one-fifth of the cork is submerged in water. If you understand this rule, you will understand that ice is in water why float

As a general rule, the solidification or thickening of a liquid means that its particles come very close together. As a result, the volume of the object decreases, which means the density increases. Simply put, when a thing is solid, it weighs more than when it is liquid. But water is an interesting liquid that does not shrink in size after freezing but spreads more. Although the volume of ice has increased in size compared to water, its weight is nine-tenths of the weight of water. বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

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বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

If you freeze nine liters of water and freeze it, its volume will be like ten liters. You know that a liter of water is not a measure of weight, it is a measure of volume. So, due to the increase in volume of ice, its density is only nine-tenths that of water, which means that it weighs less than water. বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

This is why nine-tenths of ice is submerged and one-tenth floats. Then it appears that the part of the ice that is under water, that is, nine-tenths is floating in water. This principle of buoyancy is called Archimedes’ principle. This explains why most of the great iceberg is submerged in water, but one-tenth of its top is floating on water. You can understand more clearly if you see the picture on the previous page. বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

In very cold areas, tap water pipes often burst.

The reason is that due to the accumulation of ice, its volume becomes greater than the pipe and the pipe bursts due to its pressure. This principle is used in mining in Finland. If there is a little empty space between the stones, it is filled with water and then when the day of freezing comes, the volume of water increases and great pressure falls on the surrounding stone and cracks it.

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which answer best describes why does ice float in liquid water?

When we put a piece of ice in a glass of water, it floats instead of sinking, know Have you ever wondered why any solid substance floats on any liquid and why it does not sink? But not all give solid substances. As one question comes another how can any object do it. So let us tell you why it remains above water and why it does not sink. First of all, let us talk about the thing that floats, then let us tell you that it depends on its density. There is a scientific reason behind it and that is Archimedes’ principle.

This principle states that for any object to float on water, it has to displace an amount of water equal to the weight of the object. We all know that a solid object has more moisture than a liquid, so the molecules in that object are more closely bound to each other, due to which it is harder and weighs more.

Often when a liquid changes its volume, its volume decreases and becomes heavier. Ice floats in water because the density of ice is less than that of water. In common language, we can say that ice floats on water because it is slightly lighter than water or that after freezing, ice falls at more places. Due to which the density of ice becomes less than the density of water, due to which the ice starts floating inside water. বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

By the way, for your information, ice floats because it has 9 percent less density. In other words, ice takes up more space than water, hence the volume of 1 liter of ice is less than that of 1 liter of water. Water being heavier than ice settles the ice due to which the ice starts floating in water.

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বরফ পানিতে ভাসে কেন

why does solid water (ice) float when placed in liquid water?

We all know that ice floats, but do you know why?
When solids form, atoms often come closer together to make a denser substance. This is why the majority of solids sink. However, solid water, or ice, is less dense, which is rare. When water freezes, the water molecules form rings, and all that space makes ice less dense. That’s why it floats. This is great because ice floating on top of a body of water lets the rest of it stay liquid. If ice sank, whole oceans could freeze solid!