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Quotes About Depression

Quotes About Depression & sadness

Quotes About Depression & sadness

* God has increased the glory of man by meeting all the needs of man. By making people suffer, God has made people useful. He is entitled to feel his full strength
have done Johnson . Quotes About Depression 
* If you work without attachment, there will never be turmoil or sorrow. — Swami Vivekananda
* The wider the circle of people, the more miserable they are. It is surprising that despite knowing that, people are drawing their boundary lines farther and farther. Jarasandha
> The secret to suffering is to have time to think whether you are happy or sad – George Bernardshaw
* Sadness is the only material worth in the world. The price of mother’s love is sorrow, the price of marriage is sorrow, the price of sperm is sorrow, the price of virtue is sorrow. -Rabindranath Tagore / Religion
> Sorrows come rushing and happiness dances at Nupur’s feet. Mary Keronine Davies
> Where there is sorrow, there is a holy arena next to it. – Oscar Wilde
As long as you don’t think about it, it won’t happen, your situation will be the same as mine, you won’t hear it, you won’t understand it. Krishnachandra Majumdar
* When sorrow goes, happiness will follow. Emerson
There is no hope of avoiding sorrow in this life.
The power of suffering
As if to remember.—Rabindranath Tagore * There is no fortunate person who is not touched by sorrow and death. Euripides
* The practice of telling others about one’s sorrows is only the name of willingly humiliating oneself.- Hazrat Ali ( )
Don’t share your sorrows with anyone.
Don’t sit down with slander and mockery!! – Sheikh Saadi (RA) Don’t talk about happiness anymore, I understand that happiness is just an illusion
I’m sad, I’m good, I’m good when I’m sad. Dwijendra Lal Roy <> Those who think about the next-suffering, have no such thing as their own misery. –George Canning
* Children may cry and talk about their sorrows, old people may cry but always more
Can’t talk about grief to others. Sidney Dobell
Sad you are my darling
Sadness, you stay close to me, many sorrows of false happiness
Put your hand on the graven forehead. – Alauddin Al-Azad
Sorry, you’re crazy
Nayan Kajal.
That got it
His life is a failure. — Munshi A. Mannan

et it hurt, let the sadness take over your soul.
Cry as much as you can.
Write it down and burn the papers.
Sing your lungs out with lyrics that match your pain.
Talk about it until there are no words left.
Let it hurt until the pain fades.
Let it hurt until it doesn’t hurt anymore

quotes about depression

★ Sadness becomes the grandfather of joy only when it succeeds. So people flock to watch with money. It is good to shed tears for fake sadness, there is happiness in it. Where sorrow is true in the world, there is great fear of man. People don’t go where it doesn’t cost money to go and see. Tarashankar Banerjee
← If everything was accepted simply, half of the suffering and pain in human life would be reduced. — Dale Carnegie
← He who is wise, who is righteous, has more power to suffer; His sorrow is more, the sorrow of man, what is the sorrow of wood and stone? – Ramendrasundar Trivedi
* It is foolish to tear the hair of the head in sorrow, because with the help of a hairless head the sorrow is alleviated
No.― – Cicero
← Grief, however great, time softens and lessens.— – Cicero
* The best way to forget sorrow is not to treat sorrow as sorrow. —William Walls
← Grief makes us clear, doesn’t let you stay blurry. Deep sadness Bhuma Tragedy has that Bhuma, that Bhumer Sukhang. — Rabindranath Tagore
* Having a body is sorrow. Everyone has to suffer all these sorrows. The wise enjoy knowledge and the fool enjoys weeping. All eyes on the goal; But can not penetrate the target. When all the arrows are gone, the bow is dropped. — devotee of Humayun Kabir
– What we do not get through semen, what we do not get through tears, we do not get complete. What the heart covets hard through sorrow, the heart attains wholeheartedly.- Rabindranath Tagore

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← You, me, we are all human. Isn’t it wise to share our sorrows with each other? – Thomas Hood
<> Sorrow cannot be realized by diving into the ocean of happiness.— Aristotle
Dhan-kahe “Sadly you are the supreme goodness, I have become bright with your burning. ” —Kumudranjan Mallick
A healthy person cannot feel the suffering of a patient. Who is the sorrow of sorrow
He feels, he is so human.- Dr. Lutfar Rahman * There is no spirituality in accepting the sorrow in the direction of gain; Accepting sorrow with love
Doing spirituality. -Rabindranath Tagore/Saving the Path
* There are sorrows that cannot be forgotten. — Rabindranath Tagore/Raktakaravi * A Kant The cessation of suffering is not the ultimate goal of man. That is not his nature.
…He often takes grief by falling on it. ..that’s because people have a rivalry about grief. I can bear pain, I have that strength—that’s what people want to tell themselves and others. —Rabindranath Tagore/Santiniketan
A day of sorrow seems like a thousand days, a thousand days of happiness seem like a day. — Mahatma Gandhi
← Without suffering, suffering, sacrifice and perseverance, no man or nation can achieve success. — Jinnah
> Voluntary suffering can be enjoyed like wealth.— Saratchandra Chattopadhyay * When gold falls in fire, it is known whether gold is pure and when sorrow is in trouble, it is known whether a person is brave.
goes Seneca

sad quotes about depression

* Sometimes sorrow can bring liberation. – Petronium * O endless sorrow, my heart calls to you. All the happiness in the world, all the joy, all the happiness
Noise you go away from me, I do not want you! You may be sad
Immovable, maybe rough-haired — but you have a real innocent depth
* He who hides his joy is greater than he who hides his sorrow.— – Lavater
* Grief, as hard as it is today, will not be as hard tomorrow, and soon
Gone with the wind. — – Jerith Taylor * Your sorrow is but a shadow of sorrow. You have not seen true sorrow. – Scott
* The sorrow of those who suffer in the next sorrow never fades.— Shaktipada Rajguru
* Sufferers have less strength of mind. —Robert Herrick * Sorrow helps in many ways to increase knowledge. – – Byron
* The progress of civilization and knowledge is always increasing misery.— Schoffen Hauer

Psychologist says:

  1. When a person sleeps for a long time, sometimes their sadness is deep. He thinks a lot. There’s a lot of things bothering this person so he prefer to just put everything to sleep.
  2. When he eats a lot of food, sometimes, it means he is stressed. Sometimes it’s a lot of fun. You can see the way he eats But in his eyes he is stressed, sad or happy. When he invites you to join him on a food trip, go with him.
  3. When he gets angry even for small things, it means he wants to be nurtured, give him attention, understand and he wants people to love him.
  4. When he laughs loudly, sometimes it means that he is deeply sad. He just passes the sadness with laughter.

“Be observant of the people you talk to or socialize with. Always say hello to your loved ones.”

How bout you? How are you? Photo ctto:

postpartum depression

Depression. That word we throw around so easily nowadays. That word we use to describe anything from a bad day to an overwhelming inability to live life. But as anyone with depression knows, it is much more than any one word can describe.

It slowly takes over a person’s life to the point where they forget how it all began. It is insidious, creeping up and building up over time. Little, unnoticeable things change at first, leading to bigger changes. Then, as if out of the blue, that famous black cloud is overhead.

* Tears are the only silent language of sorrow. – Voltaire
<> Suffering is the only source of all matter in the world. Whatever man has done, he has done it with sorrow.
Those who have not done with sorrow do not fully own it.- Rabindranath Tagore
* The sad bird may fly overhead, but don’t let it build its nest.
– Ancient Chinese Proverb . Quotes About Depression 

great depression

This is the face of grief.
The sadness in my eyes, met with uncontrollable sobs. Even a decade later.
I’m not showing this picture for sympathy.
It’s not a “woe is me” moment.
I’m showing you this unfiltered, raw picture because chances are, you know someone like me.
You see, when you lose a loved one, a piece of you disappears. After the initial loss, that period of grief, people assume life goes back to normal.
But for many of us, it is never normal again. The world around you keeps going, while the days standstill for those of us forced to navigate life after loss.
I’m showing you this picture because so many others are just like me.
For the past week, I’ve held it together. I’ve smiled and laughed with my colleagues; I’ve helped at my daughter’s dance recital. But deep down I’ve been hurting; the grief so difficult that the tears showed up at work, in the grocery store, even walking the dog.
This is a picture of grief.
This is me on the anniversary of when my triplets were born. Within two months, two of them passed away.
But behind the anguish is gratitude and love. As I spent most of my children’s birthday alone, my phone kept pinging with alerts. Friends and strangers wishing my children Happy Birthday.
As you look at this picture, I hope you think of others who may be walking a similar path. You may see smiling pictures on Facebook, at your child’s baseball game, or even a smiling anchor on the news, but most of the time, our grief is invisible, tucked far away from the rest of the world.
Maybe it’s the loss of a parent, or the loss of a spouse. Or maybe it’s the loss of a child.
This is a picture of grief.
But behind those tears is a strong woman who survived the yearly triggers of loss, breathing a sigh of relief at the end of the day.

Quotes About Depression 


Amid shadows, in the quiet of despair,
Sadness lingers, a weight too much to bear.
A somber hue that clouds the brightest day,
In the heart’s depths, it finds its weary way.
A tear that falls, a heavy, laden sigh,
Sadness whispers, as joy begins to die.
Yet in its depths, a beauty can be found,
In melancholy’s song, a mournful sound.
For sadness, like the rain, can cleanse the soul,
Release the ache, make wounded spirits whole.
It teaches us to cherish what’s been lost,
And counts the blessings at a heavy cost.
Though dark it seems, the night will always end,
And in its wake, a stronger heart will mend.
So, let sadness be a passing storm,
For in its wake, a brighter day takes form.

When I first heard of the Paris attacks, I felt a deep sadness tinged with anger. Then I realized that my anger wouldn’t heal or change the situation. I remembered Martin Luther King’s quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
I also thought about the quote from the Course in Miracles: “The holiest place on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.” So I took a deep breath and let go of the anger and filled my heart with compassion. It wasn’t easy, but it felt so right.
(p.s.This is a photo I took just a couple days ago in Sedona. It’s not adjusted; this is as it appeared. The colors took my breath away.)

sorrow! Poem

– mahmudul hassan

oh sorrow! Oh my sorrow!!
why you always
comes to see me?
oh tears ! oh sad tears
why you always
make me cry
why you won’t let me smile?
that i always wanna see!
oh pain! oh terrible pain
why you always hit my heart
try to be my part
that i will die and you wanna see?
oh joy ! oh unseen joy!!
why you always try to stay
far away, so far away from me?
I don’t wanna live , I don’t wanna
i swear i wanna close mah life door
oh painful , joy less life
please, please i beg you
please forgive me

“To all those suffering from sadness or depression, know that it isn’t your fault. It isn’t because you’re weak. It isn’t because you’re just not grateful enough. It isn’t because you’re just not religious enough. It isn’t because you don’t have enough faith. It isn’t because God is angry with you. To all the well-meaning people who tell you this, just smile. And know deep in your heart that the tests of God come in different forms to different people. And know that, by the help of God, every test can become a tool to get closer to Him. And that, verily, with hardship come ease–and like all things of this world–this too shall pass.”
Read More —keywords everywhere . All keywordsHiding pain under a smile is not easy. It can be one of the hardest things to do. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much.. fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Strength.
I and my family are overrun with grief. But my Saima, there is no more sadness for you now, no more pain, no more anxiety, no more worries. We were each other’s support when it felt like the world had left us alone. You were my strength when I had none, you were my best best friend. But I know you left me and all of us who love you to go be with Him. And He loves you way more than we can ever love you. He will care for you like no one ever could. You didn’t hurt people and you didn’t wrong them. You were a good person and a faithful believer. I pray Allah takes away all of your sins and gives you the reward of bringing everyone around you comfort and relief. You just wanted to make sure everyone is ok. I’m not ok sis. But I pray the calm I sense in you is an indication that my Rabb is making your journey to Him easy. Your little brother who will always always love you and always always miss you. Ya Allah forgive me and let me see my saim in Jannah. Quotes About Depression 

I can bear all your wounds
But I can’t bear your sadness.

what is depression

Life is like a piano, Quotes About Depression 
the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness.
But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys also create music.

Depression is when everything feels too hard. When you feel so low that things you previously enjoyed no longer hold that same joy. You wonder how you ever enjoyed anything at all. You wonder what other people have that you can’t get a hold of. You find it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning. You drag yourself through each day. You find it difficult to go to bed at night. The low is so low that it seems to take over, overwhelming you in a way that you could not have imagined beforehand.

* I am saddened by three things: when the rich are poor, when the honorable are dishonoured, and when the educated are disliked by the uneducated.— – Plato
* Sorrow never comes alone, it comes in groups.— Shakespeare
<> There are two tragic events in life. One is not getting what you want in life and the other is getting it. — George Bernardshaw
<> Suffering is the result of sin.— – Buddhadeva

The effort to do the small things is huge. The pressure to do anything is even bigger. People always say you should talk to someone, tell someone, but how do you put words on something so hard to even understand yourself? How do you explain to someone that you want to live your life but also you don’t know how you can? How do you explain that this no longer feels like a choice, that it controls you not the other way around?

Depression is initially a reaction. A reaction to a life that you never imagined would be yours. A reaction to stress and a seeming inability to change your situation. It is an in-acceptance of how things are or were. It is lack of self-care and a giving too much of yourself to others. It is a deep anger at an injustice or unfairness in life. It is a lack of energy to take any more of what life has for you. It is a deep sadness and regret. It is all of this and much more. We are not always aware of why it happens because of how slowly and quietly it sneaks up on us.

* Is there anything as silent as grief? It is not expressed in tears. When the grief is so deep and profound, it is far away from being able to say, ‘Uhu Gamim Malam,’ not even a single drop of tear falls to ease its unbearable pain. All the colors of all life fade away, the hair on the head turns white in two days. Deep sadness is buried in the heart, because it has no expression, it burns away all the impurities in the mind, removes all the pitfalls and maintains only the pure. — Priyambada Devi
* People’s life is full of suffering but it is always true that happiness will come along with suffering.
-Edward Young. Quotes About Depression 

For anyone reading this that can relate to all or some of what I have written, it is no good for me or anyone else to try and make you get help. Yes, at the early stages of depression or with a mild depression things like getting out for a walk, doing something you enjoy or talking to a friend can help. But with a longer-lasting, deeper depression all of these things can feel too hard. This is also what makes it so hard to come out of it alone.

Firstly, there needs to be an acceptance that depression is a part of your life for now. An allowing of your depression to be there. Own up to it for yourself. With depression it is counterproductive to keep pretending to be okay.

> If you want to escape from the pain of grief, you have to live through work. —G, H, Lews ★ Suffering is the ultimate shame of this world There is no point in thrilling it. May people learn to hate him and seek the true path by drowning in every sorrow
gets —Edward Moore
> In a moment through struggle can cause its elimination. Maxim Gorky
> To those who have the capacity to bear sorrow, sorrow does not appear large. — Spencer
* The more it is burnt by the burning of sorrow, the more the heat of sin and impurity will burn to ashes.
— Shrimat Pranavanandaji Maharaj. Quotes About Depression 

Secondly, allow yourself the time needed to get through this; it does take time. There is no magic cure, but as slowly as it developed, it can slowly get better. Before depression it was hard to imagine what you are going though now, just as now it is hard to imagine ever feeling better. But don’t allow not being able to imagine a better future put you off making changes now.

Thirdly, as impossible as it seems to do, you need to get help from somewhere, be it your doctor, a professional or that person that is always there trying to urge you out of this. None of these people will do it perfectly, but they will support you, and you need to allow that to happen. There is always resistance, and sometimes the biggest battle can be making that choice to allow others to help. > Sorrows come rushing and happiness dances at Nupur’s feet. Mary Keronine Davies
> Where there is sorrow, there is a holy arena next to it. – Oscar Wilde

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