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Cancel the farce election immediately

Cancel the farce election immediately : Bangladesh election

Cancel the farce election immediately

Elections under caretaker government

New date to be announced

struggling countrymen,

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

We have appeared before you at a transitional period of Bangladesh politics. In Bangladesh today, the struggle to establish fair voting rights and restore democracy is going on. The current ruling government, which is killing democracy, has been in power illegally for the past 15 years. They organized farcical elections again on January 7 to extend their power. An arranged election schedule is announced by the Hon’ble Election Commission. Almost all opposition political parties, including Jamaat-e-Islami, rejected the announced schedule and called on the government to organize fair, impartial and participatory elections under the caretaker government and continued to agitate peacefully in a systematic manner. The government oppressed the leaders and activists of the opposition party and conspired to renew the power through a farce election on January 7. But the people of Bangladesh responded to the calls of opposition political parties including Jamaat-e-Islami and boycotted the farcical election and refrained from voting. On behalf of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, I congratulate and congratulate the countrymen on this brave and firm decision of the people by ignoring the threats of the government. This role of the people will be remembered as a historical event in the politics of Bangladesh.

The people of Bangladesh have never made a mistake in taking decisions collectively. From the mass movement of 1969 onwards, the people were united in every movement and

The movement was successful. The movement to restore democracy and establish voting rights is going on in Bangladesh. The democratic world and institutions in Bangladesh are participatory and

Expressed hope for fair elections. The people of the country are moving unitedly to establish their right to vote and to establish a caretaker government.

The government ignores public opinion and formulates a blueprint for consolidating power. They aim to make farce elections successful to implement their plans

To increase voter turnout by fielding own party people as independent, dummy and rebel candidates and intimidating people to go to the polls.

By subterfuge. At the same time, the leaders and activists of the opposition party were arrested en masse. 35 from opposition parties including Jamaat-e-Islami from October 28 to January 7

Thousands of activists were arrested and in just 2 months more than 1600 activists were convicted in 62 cases through formality verdicts in organized conspiracy cases.

is provided. The government’s plan was to stifle the people by casting fake votes and crowding the polling booths by party men to dramatize voter turnout.

to stage But the people of Bangladesh bravely and firmly ignored the threats of the government and boycotted the farce vote of 7th January and all the conspiracies of the government.

foiled. There is no acceptance of this election rejected by the people.

Dear Countrymen,

We have repeatedly said that elections cannot be free, fair and acceptable under a party government without a caretaker government. Especially under the Awami League government, no election has been free, fair and impartial. The people of the country did not go to vote in the 2014 elections. Party candidates were declared elected unopposed in 154 seats. The Prime Minister promised the nation, ‘This is an election to uphold the rules, there will be another election soon’. But he did not keep his promise. In 2018 too, he promised that the elections would be free, fair and impartial. The opposition political parties trusted his words and participated in the elections. But the Awami League used state power to fill the ballot boxes the night before the polls and during the day farces were made in the name of polls. During the tenure of the Awami League government, no election including the National Assembly, City Corporation, Upazila, Municipality and Union Parishad was free, fair and impartial. Twelfth National

Jamaat-e-Islami held a press conference and addressed the nation by forming a caretaker government 18 months before the parliamentary elections and demanding impartial elections. Almost all the opposition parties united in demanding a caretaker government in the elections. But the government organized a mock election keeping the opposition out of the election as planned. By boycotting this farcical election, the people basically expressed their stand against the caretaker government.

Dear Countrymen,

You have seen with your own eyes the farce that was made on January 7 in the name of elections. Below are some of his clips:

  • No one was seen in the polling station till 11 am except one or two party people.

There have been incidents like voting with children of the year.

  • 7 Ansar members were seen voting in many centers.

In many constituencies, the result sheets have been prepared before the counting of votes.

Tenants were brought to the polling station with money to stand in line and the scene of money transaction was caught on media cameras. In the absence of voter turnout, the ruling party people cast fake votes unabated.

There have been incidents of public sealing outside polling booths.

At the time of announcing the results of the election, the Election Commission said that 28% of the votes had been cast, from behind it was said that 40% of the votes had been cast. This scene has been seen in various media. The international observer team observed the different centers of Dhaka city and said in response to the questions of the journalists, ‘I saw very low voter attendance rate. A couple of observers said, “We have not seen any democracy here.”

  • It has been said about the farce election in Bangladesh, ‘The number of voters was very low. Voter turnout is low. Elections of Bangladesh in turmoil-repression-exclusion. People are less enthusiastic about voting.’

Dear Countrymen,

In this election, people have not benefited except wasting 3000 crore rupees. This is not an election. Since the people did not participate in this election, this government has no moral right to be in power. We call for canceling the farcical election in the larger interest of the country and the nation and immediately announce the date of the new election under the caretaker government. The people of the country show respect for the historical precedent they have set by boycotting elections and abstaining from voting

We hope that the government will show good sense by accepting the demands of the people. With the aim of establishing the fair voting rights of the people and restoring democracy, Bangladesh united under the leadership of opposition political parties including Jamaat-e-Islami and the country from the grip of dictatorship.

And come forward to save the nation.

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Central Propaganda Department

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